Thomas Rembert JR

A Revelation of Life Endeavors

Discover solutions to the complex secular problems plaguing our society.

The Author of the Book

Thomas Rembert Jr.

Born in Sumter County, South Carolina, possesses an extraordinary intellect that propelled him through an accelerated education, graduating with honors at a young age. With a career spanning 29 years at the New York City Housing Authority, Thomas tirelessly uplifted marginalized communities, addressing issues of poverty, drugs, and prostitution.

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Latest Best Selling Book

A Revelation of Life Endeavors

From deviant sexual behavior to weapons of mass destruction, drugs, corruption, and crime, this book delves into the challenges we face.

Explore how we can address immigration, mass shootings, poor education, and rising incarceration rates. Rejecting the notion that the government holds all the answers, this captivating narrative empowers us to be the solution.

  • Learn To be Humble
  • Don’t Worship Money and Glamor
  • Repent and Live or Stay Wicked and Die

What you learn

Learn To be Humble

This principle emphasizes the importance of humility in one’s life. It suggests that individuals should recognize their own limitations and show respect and empathy towards others.

Don’t Worship Money and Glamor

This core principle warns against the dangers of materialism and the pursuit of superficial success. It encourages individuals to find value in things that are not related to wealth or societal status.

Repent and Live or Stay Wicked and Die

This principle is about the choice between spiritual renewal and continued wrongdoing. It implies that repentance and turning away from wickedness can lead to a better life, while persisting in harmful behaviors can have dire consequences.

What people say

A Revelation of Life Endeavors captures the essence of our shared human journey, reflecting the profound impact and transformative experiences that resonate in the heartfelt testimonials of those it has touched.

“I loved this book! It was really exciting and made me think about things differently. The people in the story felt real, and I couldn’t stop reading because I wanted to know what would happen next. It’s a great book that makes you see the world in a new way.”

Kurt Williams

“I absolutely loved this book! It was incredibly exciting and made me see things from a different perspective. The characters felt so real, and I couldn’t put it down because I was eager to find out what would happen next. It’s a fantastic read that offers a fresh view of the world.”

Jack Hammer

Find Your Purpose with ' A Revelation of Life Endeavors

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