Gangs for Jesus

Gangs for Jesus uses a very similar approach to societal problems by emphasizing a change from a violent and radical approach to life to a life of peace and love through a closer affiliation with Jesus Christ as the foundation of our lives, with education and religious studies to guide us along the way. We encourage young people to have high aspirations to achieve high results. and warn them against the pitfalls of life from money and glamour. We do seminars and fundraisers to help defray the costs of college and trade schools. Donations are used to offer scholarships and financial aid to needy families.

If you’re interested in supporting our nonprofit organization, Gangs for Jesus, your contribution will help transform the lives of young teenagers and young adults. Through education, religious study, and outreach programs, we aim to uplift and guide them towards a positive path centered on a relationship with Jesus Christ. Your donation through Cash App will directly support our efforts to replace negative influences with a foundation of faith and growth.

Your generous contribution will help us continue our vital work, replacing negative influences with a foundation of faith and growth. By donating, you are directly supporting our efforts to create a brighter future for those in need.

To make a donation, please use Cash App:

Cash App: $trem1944

Scan the QR code below to donate directly

Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant impact. Together, we can bring hope and change to the lives of many. Thank you for your support and prayers.

Frequently Asked Questions

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